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Board of Trustees

Westmoreland/Frick Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees

The board is poised to keep pace with the demands brought about by patient need and Independence Health System's quest to offer the highest level of care possible. These community volunteers give generously of their time and talents to accomplish those goals. The board includes:

  • Ray Charley, Chairperson
  • David W. Lynn, Vice Chairperson
  • Ronald E. Eberhardt, Treasurer
  • John P. Kline, Secretary
  • Ed Miedel, Distribution Chairperson
  • Charles W. Anderson
  • David S. Delisi
  • Karl Eisaman
  • Brian Fritz, Ex Officio
  • Richard D. Harrer Jr.
  • Jacqueline Horrall, PhD
  • William A. Jenkins, MD
  • Don Scott
  • Jess M. Stairs


  • Terence L. Graft
  • Paul Mongell
  • Michael J. Stewart, Esq.

To contact the Westmoreland/Frick Hospital Foundation, call 724-832-4140 or email
